Bermuda Triangle Facts

Most of people believe that the Bermuda Triangle is a dangerous place to venture. There have been a number of mysterious vanishings and unsolved mysteries in this stretch of ocean but is there a scientific explanation for it all The Bermuda Triangle is a 500,000-square-mile stretch of ocean in the Atlantic, bounded roughly at its three points by Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico.

Bermuda triangle

Bermuda Triangle Facts

According to Triangle believer Gian Quasar, 75 aircraft and hundreds of pleasure yachts have vanished there in Read More…


Bermuda Triangle Fact, Mystery by Bruce Gernon

Bruce Gernon is the only person in the world to witness what creates the Bermuda Triangle. Others have seen parts of this phenomenon and some have seen it but vanished. Gernon is the only one to see this from its birth stage through its mature stage and enter the heart of the Timestorm and escape through a Tunnel Vortex and experience a time warp of 30 minutes forward in time and 100 miles forward in space.
Gernon discovered after his 31 years of research that how he had flown those 100 miles in such a short time and never seen Read More